Dec 31, 2009

Dance Project

As much as I spend most of my time playing with fashion photography these days I think I still consider myself a portraitist at heart - even when the goal is to make something "pretty" I'm still striving to make it "interesting" first and foremost.  I'm sure the fault is all mine, but it's felt like I've had fewer opportunities for shooting portraits lately, so it was time to make my own!

I'm not ashamed to admit that I've caught the same Dance Fever that's been going around for the last year or two...I'm huddled around "Glee" and "So You Think You Can Dance" as much as everyone else is, though my wife gets the credit for providing the gateway drugs on those.  So when it came time to create my own excuse for a portrait project, and a little self-assignment for the slow season, shooting dancers seemed as good one as any.

Dec 28, 2009

Bag of Tricks

I'm still recovering from the holiday festivities and travel, but I wanted to sit down and address something that comes up a lot in emails to me and that I address in my workshops.  The question goes something like:

"When you're lighting a shoot or setup, are you starting from scratch every time?"

And the answer is: yes and no.

Dec 18, 2009

Slideshow: Anna & Kaitlyn

On the tail end of the previous post, here's a little video slideshow of the complete shoot!  I find it really interesting seeing every frame I shot as a progression, not to mention seeing the variations and similarities I make in the moment.

Dec 15, 2009

Anatomy of a Shoot: Kaitlyn & Anna

This is an "anatomy of a shoot" post that I previously wrote up for Fred Miranda, but I thought it would make a great inaugural post for this blog as well. This dates back to October or so, so don't get confused by the seasonality of it!

I wanted to get a little bit of outdoor shooting done before it got too cold out, so I lined up a couple of models from Ford Models and Basic Model Management for a test shoot. I blocked out one model for the morning for the location work, then another for the afternoon so we could overlap the two on studio looks. We set an 8am call time at the studio so we could do initial hair/makeup and pre-sort the wardrobe, then hit the road out to Jones Beach on Long Island.

Continues after the jump!

Welcome back!

So after several years of leaving this blog to gather dust (last updated in 2006!) I've decided to start actively posting content again.  Keep an eye open for behind the scenes on photo shoots, stream of consciousness editorial info, videos, random musings while I wait for other words, nothing that promises to be entertaining.  Good times!